Turbellarian taxonomic database

author date   title journal / publication
Winsor L 2009  abs. A new subfamily, new genus and new species of terrestrial flatworm (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Geoplanidae) from Stewart Island, New Zealand. Tuhinga 20:23-32 (records of the museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. ISSN 1173-4337)
Rhynchodeminae Eudoxiaotopoplanini Winsor, 2009 [with synonyms] w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Eudoxiaotopoplanini Eudoxiaotopoplana Windsor, 2009 - primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Eudoxiaotopoplana bilaticlavia Winsor, 2009 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Geoplanidae Eudoxiatopoplaninae Winsor, 2009 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 24