author |
date |
title |
journal / publication |
Kånneby T, Bernvi DC, Jondelius U |
2015 |
abs. |
Distribution, delimitation and description of species of Archaphanostoma (Acoela). |
Zoologica Scripta Volume:44 Issue:2 Pages:218-231 |
Archaphanostoma fontaneti Kånneby, Bernvi & Jondelius, 2015 | | w | primary taxonomic authority (describer) | 220 |
Archaphanostoma occulta Kånneby, Bernvi & Jondelius, 2015 | | w | primary taxonomic authority (describer) | 224 |
Archaphanostoma sublittoralis Kånneby, Bernvi & Jondelius, 2015 | | w | primary taxonomic authority (describer) | 226 |
Archaphanostoma ylvae Kånneby, Bernvi & Jondelius, 2015 | | w | primary taxonomic authority (describer) | 227 |
Xenacoela Acoela Uljanin, 1870 | | w | other research on this sp. | |
Isodiametridae Archaphanostoma Dörjes, 1968 | | w | other taxonomic work | |
Baltalimania fontaneti (Kånneby, Bernvi & Jondelius, 2015) | [with synonyms] | w | primary taxonomic authority (describer) | 10-11, 19 |
Baltalimania occulta (Kånneby, Bernvi & Jondelius, 2015) | [with synonyms] | w | primary taxonomic authority (describer) | 10-11, 19 |
Baltalimania sublittoralis (Kånneby, Bernvi & Jondelius, 2015) | [with synonyms] | w | primary taxonomic authority (describer) | 10-11, 19 |
Baltalimania ylvae (Kånneby, Bernvi & Jondelius, 2015) | [with synonyms] | w | primary taxonomic authority (describer) | 10-11, 19 |