Turbellarian taxonomic database

author date   title journal / publication
Willems WR, Reygel P, Steenkiste NV, Tessens B, Artois TJ 2017    Kalyptorhynchia (Platyhelminthes: Rhabdocoela) from KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa), with the description of six new species. Zootaxa. 4242(3): 441–466. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4242.3.2
[doi: doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4242.3.2
Baltoplana cupressus Willems & Artois, 2017 - primary taxonomic authority (describer) 458
Koinocystididae Bhambathorhynchus Willems & Artois, 2017 - primary taxonomic authority (describer) 446
Bhambathorhynchus abursalis Willems & Artois, 2017 - primary taxonomic authority (describer) 446
Uncinorhynchus linusi Willems & Artois, 2017 - primary taxonomic authority (describer) 445
Itaipusa sbui Willems & Artois, 2017 - primary taxonomic authority (describer) 449
Lagenopolycystis mandelai Willems & Artois, 2017 - primary taxonomic authority (describer) 454
Phonorhynchoides gondwanae Willems & Artois, 2017 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 456
Phonorhynchoidinae Phonorhynchopsis Willems & Artois, 2017 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 458
Djeziraia longistyla Noreña, Damborenea, Faubel & Brusa, 2007 w other taxonomic work
Prognathorhynchus sp. Willems & Artois, 2017 - primary taxonomic authority (describer) 444
Carcharodorhynchus sp. Willems & Artois, 2017 - primary taxonomic authority (describer) 461
Paulodora contortoides Artois & Tessens, 2008 w other taxonomic work
Paulodora drepanophora Artois & Tessens, 2008 w other taxonomic work
Phonorhynchopsis haegheni (Artois & Schockaert, 2001) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Pocillorhynchus spiroductus Schockaert, 1982 w other taxonomic work