Turbellarian taxonomic database

author date   title journal / publication
Andrikou C, Thiel D, Ruiz-Santiesteban JA, Hejnol A 2019    Active mode of excretion across digestive tissues predates the origin of excretory organs PLOS Biology 17(7): e3000408 22 pp
[doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000408
Isodiametra pulchra (Smith & Bush, 1991) w other research on this sp.
Meara stichopi Westblad, 1949 w other research on this sp.
Acoelomorpha Nemertodermatida Karling, 1940 w other research on this sp.
Acoelomorpha Acoela Uljanin, 1870 w other research on this sp.