Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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for Gnosonesima brattstroemi

site collection date depth substrate salin locality kind comments reference
A Tekslo Island, Hordaland Fylke, NorwayJun 16, 1964 25 m coarse shell gravel     Norway, Isle of Tekslo. (Biol. Stat. Ref. No. 280-64). Karling TG (1968) 82
B south of Bergen, between isles of Lille Vardöy and Lille Fuglöy (Fugloy), NorwayAug 5, 1965 12 m coarse shell gravel   type locality Norway, S. of Bergen, between the isles of Lille Vardöy and Lille Fuglöy. (Biol. Stat. Ref. No. 332-65). Karling TG (1968) 82