Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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for Provortex psammophilus

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site collection date depth substrate salin locality kind comments reference
A Ile de Callot, Roscoff, FranceSep 19, 1973   fine muddy sand     from the eulittoral flat of the west side of the Ile de Callot (200 m to the left of the Church). Ehlers U (1980) 164
B Bassin d'Arcachon (Arcachon Bay), Aquitaine, France1964         Becken von Arcachon. Im marinen Sandwatt der Ile Oiseaux (1964 unpubl.) Ax P (2008) 575
C Hornum-Ost (Hörnum, Hoernum), Sylt Island, GermanySep 1981   medium-coarse sand     Hörnum, Nehrungshaken und Lagune. Spartina auf Mittel- bis Grobsand, -15 bis + 30 cm, 8 x 10 cm2. Hellwig M (1987) 178
D Raantem Inge, Rantum, Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaApr 1982   fine sand     Rantum. 'Raantem Inge", Salicornia auf Feinsand, ca. MHWL, 2 x 10 cm2. Hellwig M (1987) 178
E Raantem Inge, Rantum, Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaSep 1980   mud, sand     Rantum. 'Raantem Inge", Spartina-Inseln auf Schlicksand, 12 x 2.5 cm2. Hellwig M (1987) 178
F Raantem Inge, Rantum, Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaSep 1983         Rantum. Wattseite des Rantum-Beckens. Profil Mischwatt-Strand, -20 bis + 10 cm, 10 x 2 cm2. Hellwig M (1987) 178
G Raantem Inge, Rantum, Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaFeb 1983   medium sand     Rantum. 'Raantem Inge", Strand, Mittelsand, teilweise mit Kies durchsetzt, -20 bis +25 cm, 5 Probestellen zu 10 x 2 cm2. Hellwig M (1987) 178
H Nielönn, north of Kampen, Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaJul 1983   fine-medium sand     "Nielönn" bei Kampen. Strand, detritusreicher Fein- bis Mittelsand, locker mit Spartina, Salicornia und Suaeda bewachsen, - 10 bis +30 cm, 10 x 2 cm2. Hellwig M (1987) 178
I site south of Keitum, Germany1982-1983   sand       Hellwig M (1987) 178
J Grosse Gröning, near List, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea1982-1983         salt meadow. Armonies W (1987) 98
K inner Königshafen, Sylt Island, Germany, North SeaMay 1982 -Jul 1983   sand     Königshafen. at the eulittoral-supralittoral transition belt of the lentic tidal coast. Hellwig M (1987) 178
L Koenigs Bay (Koenigshafens, Konigshafen, Königshafen), Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea1985 or earlier   sand     deep sulfide layer at depths of more than 5 cm below the sediment surface. Species found at least 3 times. Scherer B (1985) 122-124
M Weser River Estuary, Lower Saxony, Germany1993-1994   fine-medium sand     Weser Estuary (Germany, Lower Saxony) samples taken from intertidal flats. Fein- und Mittelsande im Polyhalinicum. Krumwiede A, Witt J (1995) 325
N Sahlenburg Watt, Weser River Estuary, Lower Saxony, Germany1993-1994         Sahlenburg (Hundestrand), Weser Estuary samples taken from intertidal flats. Krumwiede A, Witt J (1995) 323