Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

White Sea (Beloye More, Weisses Meer), Gulf of Solowetzk (Solowetsk, Solowjetsk, Solovetskiy, Ostrov, Solowetzki, Solovetski Island; Solowezki, Solovets, Solovjetsk), Russia

latitude: 65.080002    
longitude: 35.389999    

Precision of location: Gauged from chart or map
Site Named Here: By name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication

Collected here:

Otocelis maris-alba1900 or earlier
Urastoma faussekipre 1900in mantle cavity of Mytilus edulis L.collected by Boehmig, sent by W. Faussek
Provortex balticus1913 or earlier
Provortex affinis1913 or earlierlittoral
Vortex hispidus1913 or earlier
Anoplodium chirodotae1900 or earlierparasite in Chirodota laevis O. Fabr. (C. pellucida M. Sars
Maehrenthalia agilis1913 or earlier
Phonorhynchus helgolandicus1913 or earlier
Prostomum papillatum1879 or earlier
Monocelis alba1913 or earlier
Mesostoma lingua1932 or earliersmall water basin.
Provortex balticus1900 or earlier
Mesostoma lingua1900 or earlier
Bothromesostoma essenii1900 or earlier