Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Arctic Ocean, Gulf of Kola (Kol'skiy Zaliv, Kola Fjord, Kuolan-lahti, Kola Inlet), Mourmansk (Murmansk) coast, Russia

latitude: 69.25    
longitude: 33.5    

Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)
Site Named Here: By name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication

Collected here:

Aphanostoma pallidum1912
Aechmalotus pyrula1912found from the Gulf of Kola to the Bay of Lodeinaia. parasite in the body cavity (?) and intestine of Eupyrgus scaber Lütke
Otocelis chiridotae1912found from the Gulf of Kola to the Bay of Lodeinaia. parasite in the body cavity (?) and intestine of Eupyrgus scaber Lütke
Pseudactinoposthia sanguineum1912found from the Gulf of Kola to the Bay of Lodeinaia. parasite found in the posterior of Chiridota laevis (Fabricius)
Desmote vorax1916 or earlierparasite in Heliometra (Antedon) glacialis (LEACH).
Collastoma eremitae1916 or earlierparasite in the intestine of Phascolosoma eremita M. SARS.
Pterastericola fedotovi1916 or earlierparasite in Pteraster pulvillus (M. SARS), Pteraster obscurus (PERRIER) and Pteraster militaris (O.F. MÜLLER).
Castrada stagnorum1923 or earlierMurmansk.