Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Val di Cuvi (Kuzijski Zaliv, Uvala Kuvi), Rovinj region, Adriatic, Croatia

latitude: 45.066666    
longitude: 13.666667    

Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)
Site Named Here: By name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication

Collected here:

Flagellophora apeltiAug 26, 19673 mcoarse sand
Childia groenlandica1953 or earlier31 mmud and clay with some sandS. Pirozi.
Childia groenlandica1953 or earlier10-12 msand and shell with some clay
Proxenetes sellai1933 or earliercoarse sand, shells
Koinocystis taeniophoris1933 or earliercoarse sand, shells2 specimens.
Acmostomum rovignense1933 or earliercoarse sand, shells1 specimen.
Convoluta schultzii1933 or earlier
Convoluta sordida1933 or earliercoarse sand, shell
Proxenetes flabellifer1933 or earliercoarse sand, shellsouth of Cuvi.
Promesostoma marmoratum1933 or earliercoarse sand, shellsouth of Cuvi.
Leptoplana tremellaris1933 or earliercoarse sand, shell
Aphanostoma chromocephalum1933 or earliercoarse sand, shell
Convoluta lacazii1933 or earliercoarse sand, mud2 specimens.
Trigonostomum coronatum1933 or earliercoarse sand, shell1 specimen.
Plagiostomum siphonophorum1933 or earliercoarse sand, shell1 specimen.
Pseudostomum dubium1933 or earliercoarse sand, shell1 specimen.