Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Corona del Mar, California, USA

latitude: 33.5909    
longitude: -117.874603    

Precision of location: Gauged from chart or map
Site Named Here: By name of site (or city, etc.)

Collected here:

Pseudoceros perviolaceusMar 31, 19578.2 MrockCollected by Mr. W.E. Pequegnat. concealed under a purple sea urchin, Stongylocentrotus franciscanus, when urchin was pried off rocks.
Prostheceraeus bellostriatusAug 10, 195613.1 mconcrete wallone specimen. Collected by Mr. W.E. Pequegnat.
Macginitiella delmarisFeb, 1948rocky shore at Corona del Mar
Stylochus franciscanusNov 27, 1937in an old barnacle shell.
Stylochus franciscanusNov 27, 1937in an old barnacle shell.
Stylochus californicusprior to 1953
Stylochoplana hancockiDec 19, 1941intertidalrockrocky shore.
Notoplana sciophilaFeb 1948taken by the MacGinities,.
Hoploplana californicaJul 9, 194712.2 -15.2 mone specimen taken by the MacGinities.
Alloioplana sandiegensisJan 20, 1934collected by the MacGinities.
Thysanozoon californicumMay 12, 19331 specimen, taken by the MacGinities.
Pseudoceros luteusprior to 1953three specimens taken by the MacGinities.
Prostheceraeus bellostriatusMay, 1938one specimen taken by the MacGinities in a tank at the Kerckhoff Marine Laboratory at Corona del Mar.
Enchiridium punctatumJun 2, 1942taken by the Allan Hancock Foundation.