Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

New Zealand

latitude: -40    
longitude: 176    

Precision of location: Place-name in gazetteer
Site Named Here: By name of sea, gulf, or country named in source publication

Collected here:

Polycelis orbicularisprior to 1859Prudhoe notes that Stummer-Traunfels 1933 {18351} say the species was originally found in New Zealand
Typhloplana viridata1859 or earlierGraff questions this Schmarda citation.
Leptoplana suteri1906 or earlier
Geoplana huttoni1899 or earlierNew Zealand
coerulea coerulea1990 or earlierThis nominate subspecies is recorded from south eastern parts of Australia and New Zealand.
Geoplana coerulea1895 or earlier"Blue tipped" variety. New Zealand.
Mesostoma ehrenbergii1953 or earlier
Chromoplana sirena2007 or earliermarine
Chromoplana kaikouris2007 or earliermarine
Aotearoa ballantinensis2007 or earliermarine
Spathula neara1977 or earlier