Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Porto Grande de Sao Vicente (St Vincent Harbour, Porto Grande), Cape Verde Archipelago, Cape Verde

latitude: 16.883333    
longitude: -25.016666    

Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)
Site Named Here: By name of site (or city, etc.)

Collected here:

Zygantroplana verrilli19041.8 - 3.6 mamongst weeds in St. Vincent Harbour collected by a diver in 1 to 2 fathoms.
Anonymus virilis19045.5 mDredged amongst nullipores, 3 and 10 fathoms. St. Vincent Harbour.
Anonymus virilis190418.3 mDredged amongst nullipores, 3 and 10 fathoms. St. Vincent Harbour.
Oligocladus sanguinolentus19049 - 18 mfrom amongst nodules of nullipores dredged in St. Vincent Harbour, 5-10 fathoms.
Prosthiostomum dohrnii190418 mSeveral specimens. Amongst nullipores at low tide, and at 10 fathoms, St. Vincent.
Prosthiostomum dohrnii1904Several specimens. Amongst nullipores at low tide, and at 10 fathoms, St. Vincent.
Prosthiostomum species (3)1904One specimen from nullipore of Bird Rock, St. Vincent Harbour. It is remarkable that so delicate a creature should live in a place so exposed to the whole force of the Atlantic rollers.