Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Ousima (Oshima, Ousemma, Ryukyu Islands Ousima), Japan

latitude: 28.25     28 15 N
longitude: 129.25     129 15 E

Precision of location: Place-name in gazetteer
Site Named Here: By name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication

Collected here:

Callioplana marginataprior to 1857
Diplonchus marmoratus1857 or earlierOusima Island, Japan.
Discocelis lactea1857 or earlierOusima Island, Japan.
Leptoplana punctata1857 or earlierOusima Island, Japan.
Leptoplana tenella1857 or earlierOusima Island, Japan.
Stylochus conglomeratus1857 or earlierOusima Island, Japan.
Stylochus limosus1857 or earlierOusima Island, Japan.
Cryptocoelum opacum1857 or earlierOusima Island, Japan.
Trachyplana tuberculosa1857 or earlierOusima Island, Japan
Bipalium maculatum1857 or earlierad unsulam "Ousima".