Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Sveti Andrija (Isola Sant'Andrea, Crveni Otok, Isola Rossa ), Otocic, Croatia

latitude: 45.058102    
longitude: 13.6231    

Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)
Site Named Here: By name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication

Collected here:

Childia submaculatumprior 1975
Childia brachyposthium1956 or earlier35 mmud (Schlammböden)
Microstomum melanophthalmum1933 or earlierstonesfound under algae. 1 specimen.
Proporus venenosus1933 or earlier3 malgae and mussel shells, rocks.
Aphanostoma diversicolor1933 or earlierin algae north of Isola S. Andrea.
Convoluta convoluta1933 or earlierAlgae.
Convoluta convoluta1933 or earlier10 mrough rocks.
Convoluta sordida1933 or earlierrocks, shells, algaenorth of Isola S. Andrea.
Promesostoma marmoratum1933 or earlierrocks, mussel shell
Promesostoma solea1933 or earlierAlgae, south of Isola S. Andrea.
Plagiostomum girardi1933 or earlierrocks, mussel shells
Plagiostomum maculatum1933 or earlierin Algae.
Plagiostomum reticulatum1933 or earlier1 specimen, in Algae.
Plagiostomum ponticum1933 or earlier1 specimen, in Algae.
Plagiostomum benedeni1933 or earlierfew specimens, in Algae.
Vorticeros luteum1933 or earlierin Algae.
Leptoplana tremellaris1933 or earlier15 mstone, mussel shell
Hoploplana insignis1933 or earliercoarse stone2 specimens, algae covered stones.
Plagiostomum vittatum1933 or earlier1 specimen, in algae.
Allostoma capitatum1933 or earlier2 specimen, in algae.