Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Studenciste, Lake Ohrid, Macedonia

latitude: 41.103882    
longitude: 20.81654    

Precision of location: Gauged from chart or map
Site Named Here: By name of site (or city, etc.)

Collected here:

Dendrocoelum maculatumprior to 1927in several tributary streams of Lake Ohrid (at Studenciste and Sveti Naum) and in the large spring Sum (west of Struga).
Dendrocoelum maculatum1935-1937in the vicinity of a submerged spring, 10.9 degrees C.
Phagocata ochridana1935-1937at the Hydrobiological Station, in cold springs and warmer pools, under stones, and also on water plants.
Dendrocoelum adenodactylosum1935-1937both mature and immature specimens in the littoral zone, particularly among the dense vegetation of reeds near the Hydrobiological Station.
Dendrocoelum adenodactylosum1935-1937springs of Studenciste.
Dendrocoelum magnum1935-1937cold streams along the east side of the lake [Ohrid]:Studenciste. It occurs usually under stones, frequently in a strong current, often resting (feeding?) on small snails. As a rule, it is absent in the springs themselves and appears in the streams
Dendrocoelum jablanicense1935-1937cold springs, under stones with other triclad species.