Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Danube Delta, Romania

latitude: 45.5    
longitude: 29.4167    

Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)
Site Named Here: By name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication

Collected here:

Catenula lemnaeprior to 1974the delta and the flooded area.
Macrostomum distinguendumprior to 1974Danube swamps (the delta and the flooded zone), Transylvania.
Promonotus ponticusprior to 19743.0-5.0 mten specimens from the Northern Bay, and in the Danube (fog signal), 1 km away from the river mouth.
Gieysztoria cuspidata1967 or earlier
Gieysztoria triquetra1968 or earlierIn the Danube swamps.
Castrella truncata1968 or earlierIn the Danube swamps (delta and the flooded zone), the stagnant waters from Transylvania and the Romanian Plain.
Typhloplana viridata1970 or earlierThe delta and the flooded zone of the Danube.
Strongylostoma radiatum1974 or earlierThe delta and the flooded zone of the Danube.
elongatum spinosum1974 or earlierThe flooded zone of the Danube.
Strongylostoma cirratum1970 or earlierIn the Danube swamps.
Mesostoma lingua1970 or earlierCommon in stagnant water of the Danube swamps and all stagnant waters.
Bothromesostoma personatum1970 or earlierCommon in the stagnant freshwater basins and in the Danube swamps.
Polycystis naegelii1971 or earlier