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Tean Sound, Scilly Islands (Sillies, Isles of Scilly), United Kingdom
latitude: 49.967232
longitude: -6.31099
Precision of location: Gauged from chart or map
Site Named Here: By name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication
Rogneda hibernica | May 12-16, 2002 | 10 m | coarse sand | Site 11, strong currents. sediment and aufwuchs settled on Laminaria holdfasts, algae, Porifera and Cnidaria were sampled. Sublittoral samples by SCUBA. |
Polycystis naegelii | May 12-16, 2002 | 10 m | coarse sand | Site 11, strong currents. sediment and aufwuchs settled on Laminaria holdfasts, algae, Porifera and Cnidaria were sampled. Sublittoral samples by SCUBA. |
Phonorhynchus helgolandicus | May 12-16, 2002 | 10 m | coarse sand | Site 11, strong currents. sediment and aufwuchs settled on Laminaria holdfasts, algae, Porifera and Cnidaria were sampled. Sublittoral samples by SCUBA. |
Pelophila lutheri | May 12-16, 2002 | 10 m | coarse sand | strong currents. sediment and aufwuchs settled on Laminaria holdfasts, algae Porifera and Cnidaria were sampled. Sublittoral samples by SCUBA. |
Symsagittifera schultzei | May 12-16, 2002 | 10 m | coarse sand | strong currents. sediment and aufwuchs settled on Laminaria holdfasts, algae Porifera and Cnidaria were sampled. Sublittoral samples by SCUBA. |
Microstomum papillosum | May 12-16, 2002 | 10 m | coarse sand | strong currents. sediment and aufwuchs settled on Laminaria holdfasts, algae Porifera and Cnidaria were sampled. Sublittoral samples by SCUBA. |
Acmostomum dioicum | May 12-16, 2002 | 10 m | coarse sand | strong currents. sediment and aufwuchs settled on Laminaria holdfasts, algae Porifera and Cnidaria were sampled. Sublittoral samples by SCUBA. |
Promesostoma meixneri | May 12-16, 2002 | 10 m | coarse sand | strong currents. sediment and aufwuchs settled on Laminaria holdfasts, algae Porifera and Cnidaria were sampled. Sublittoral samples by SCUBA. |