Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Henriksberg, on the Hanko (Hangö, Hango, Hangonkyla, Khanko) Penninsula, Finnish Bay, Finland
coordinates are for Hanko.
latitude: 59.833302    
longitude: 22.950001    

Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)
Site Named Here: By name of site (or city, etc.)

Collected here:

Convoluta saliensprior 1960Westblad
Macrostomum balticumprior to 19600.5-3.0 msandAll specimens found between June and August.
Macrostomum curvitubaprior to 1960
Monocelis lineataprior to 1960
Paramonotus hamatusprior to 19608-12 m10-15 cm
Archilopsis unipunctataprior to 1960
Bothriomolus balticusprior to 1960Otoplanenzone.
Pseudosyrtis subterraneaprior to 1954coastal groundwater zone.
Coelogynopora biarmataAug 1950Otoplanenzone. Kinnander.
Macrostomum balticumJun 18, 19345 mcoarse sand
Beklemischeviella contortaprior to 1943Quartz SandDr. Karling found this species near Lappvik, and also Hangö, in vegetation free quartz sand
Provortex balticus1962 or earliercoastal groundwater, under the soil surface.
Provortex balticus1962 or earlier0-34 mwidely distributed in littoral/supralitoral from Hangö in the north to Jussarö and Lappvik. Also Tvärminne Storfjärd, Schären?. Vegetation: Fucus, Furcellaria, Ceramium, Potamogeton, Myriophyllum, Zannichellia, Chara, etc. Mytilus-Biocönosen.
Vejdovskya ignava1962 or earlier3 mfine sandTvärminne, Henriksberg, Högholmen. Karling.
Hangethellia calceifera1940 or earlier16 mcoarse sand, sandvariety of sand sizes.
Baicalellia pusilla1962 or earlierKarling.
Balgetia semicirculifera1962 or earlier5 mcoarse sand
Anthopharynx vaginatus1963 or earlier4-20 msandGebiet von Henriksberg, Sand mit Detritus oder Schlick, (Karling).