Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Hovering the cursor over a marker will show the site's name.
Clicking on a marker will show information available about the collection site. (Compare with corresponding letter in table.)

Collecting site

Point to represent country of Kenya
latitude: -1.3167    
longitude: 36.799999    

Precision of location: Gauged from atlas
Site Named Here: By name of sea, gulf, or country named in source publication

Collected here:

Catenula confusa1976 or earlier
Myostenostomum tauricum1976 or earlier
Anokkostenostomum anatirostrum1974 or earlier
Stenostomum arevaloi1974 or earlier
Stenostomum glandulosum1974 or earlier
Stenostomum leucops1974 or earlier
Anokkostenostomum pseudoacetabulum1974 or earlier
Prorhynchus stagnalis1976 or earlier
Gieysztoria rubra1976 or earlier
Bothromesostoma personatum1928 or earlier
Mesostoma ehrenbergii1976 or earlier
Olisthanella truncula1976 or earlier
Rhynchomesostoma rostratum1976 or earlier
Strongylostoma radiatum1976 or earlier
Castrada sp.1976 or earlier