Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Lake Glensevern and Upper Duck Pond, Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada

latitude: 44.848202    
longitude: -66.961998    

Precision of location: Gauged from chart or map
Site Named Here: By name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication

Collected here:

Macrostomum hamatumAug-Sep 1984Upper Duck Pond. High marsh sediment.
Macrostomum burtiAug-Sep 1984Upper Duck Pond, salt marsh sediment.
Macrostomum burtiAug-Sep 1984medium-coarse sandUpper Duck Pond, intertidal with halophytes.
Macrostomum hystricinumAug-Sep 1984Upper Duck Pond. Salt marsh sediment.
Archilopsis arenariaAug-Sep 1984medium-coarse sandUpper Duck Pond. Intertidal medium to coarse sand with halophytes.
Monocelis sp.Aug-Sep 1984Upper Duck Pond. salt marsh sediment.
Monocelis sp.Aug-Sep 1984medium to coarse sandUpper Duck Pond. intertidal medium to coarse sand with halophytes.
Promesostoma rostratumAug-Sep 1984muddy sandUpper Duck Pond. Algal mats on muddy sand.
Stygoplanellina halophilaAug-Sep 1984coarse sandUpper Duck Pond. Upper border of the salt marsh, coarse sand of an area with fresh water outflow.
Brinkmanniella macrostomoidesAug-Sep 1984medium-coarse sandUpper Duck Pond. Intertidal medium to coarse sand with halophytes.
Coronhelmis multispinosusAug-Sep 1984Upper Duck Pond, High marsh sediment.
Ptychopera westbladiAug-Sep 1984Salt marsh sediment.
Ptychopera westbladiAug-Sep 1984medium-coarse sandintertidal, medium to coarser sand with halophytes.
Ptychopera hartogiAug-Sep 1984Upper Duck Pond. High marsh sediment.
Acrorhynchides robustusAug-Sep 1984sandUpper Duck Pond. Detritus rich sand in a salt marsh.
Placorhynchus echinulatusAug-Sep 1984medium-coarse sandUpper Duck Pond. Intertidal coarse and medium sand between halophytes.