Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

from the provinces of Avila, Cuenca, Guadalajara, Madrid and Segovia, Peninsula Iberica (Iberian Peninsula, Peninsula Hispanica), Spain
coordinates are for the Peninsula.
latitude: 40    
longitude: -5    

Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)
Site Named Here: By name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication

Collected here:

Macrostomum rostratum1996 or earlierIberian Peninsula.
Bothrioplana semperi1996 or earlierIberian Peninsula.
Castradella gladiata1996 or earlierIberian Peninsula.
Opistomum immigrans1996 or earlierIberian Peninsula.
Microdalyellia kupelwieseri1996 or earlierIberian Peninsula.
Microdalyellia tennesseensis1996 or earlierIberian Peninsula.
Prorhynchus stagnalis1996 or earlierIberian Peninsula.
Opisthocystis goettei1996 or earlierIberian Peninsula.
Castrella truncata1996 or earlierIberian Peninsula.
Mesostoma ehrenbergii1996 or earlierIberian Peninsula.
Rhynchomesostoma rostratum1996 or earlierIberian Peninsula.