Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Barcelona, Spain

latitude: 41.366669     41 22 00 N
longitude: 2.166667     002 10 00 E

Precision of location: Listed in reference
Site Named Here: By name of site (or city, etc.)

Collected here:

Dugesia mediterranea1975 or earlierAsexual population. "panta de la Fuxarda" in the city of Barcelona. The panta de la Fuxarda is a small, slightly alkaline pond, artificially created around 1914. Specimens were collected from beneath Nymphaea sp. leaves.
Dugesia mediterranea1975 or earlierAsexual population. "Font dels Tres Pins" in the city of Barcelona, a small fountain distant only 400 mts from panta de la Fuxarda.