Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Hawadli north of Banaadir, Gobolka, (Benaadir, Mogadiscio, Mogadishu, Benadir, Xamar, Gobolka), Somalia
coordinates are for Mogadiscio administrative region.
latitude: 2.116667     02 07 00 N
longitude: 45.400002     045 24 00 E

Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)
Site Named Here: By name of site (or city, etc.)

Collected here:

Polycystis aliApril 27, 1970littoralalgae in pools in the rocky shore at low tide.
Paulodora subcontortaApril 23, 1970littoralalgae in pools in the rocky shore at low tide.on the sandy bottom of a pool on the rocky shore at low tide.
Gyratrix hermaphroditusApril 23, 1970littoralalgae in pools in the rocky shore at low tide.in a pool with sandy bottom and algae in the upper level of the rocky shore at low tide.
Cincturorhynchus karlingiApril 23, 1970littoralalgae in pools in the rocky shore at low tide.in a pool with sandy bottom and algae on the rocky shore at low tide.
Pocillorhynchus spiroductusApril 27, 1970littoralalgae in pools in the rocky shore at low tide.on algae in pools in the rocky shore at low tide.
Gnosonesima tropicalisMay 3, 1970on algae from the rocky shore, lower level of the mid-littoral zone.
Lenopharynx tubatusApr 25, 1970in a permanent pool with algae and sandy bottom in the higher level of the mid-eulittoral zone of the rocky shore.
Brinkmanniella micropsMay 3, 1970on algae from the rocky shore, lower level of the mid-eulittoral zone.
Hawadlia papiiApr 22, 1970coarse sandat a place with the local name of Hawadlia. Very coarse sand in a pool situated in a cave in the rocks; at low tide.
Kytorhynchidae sp.Apr 25, 1970coarse sandin a permanent pool in the rocky shore near the cliff; bottom with coarse sand.
ali form SomaliApr 1970littoralalgaealgae in pools in the rocky shore at low tide
Paulodora drepanophoraApr-May 1970intertidalalgaeon algae in pools on the rocky shore at low tide
Pseudomonocelis cavernicolaApr 22, 1970coarse sandSomalia, N of Mogadiscio in a locality with the local name Hawadli, in a cave in the rocky falaise. The cave was inhabited by a Peryophthalmus like little fish, which suggests that the cave is not flooded at high tide.