Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

Erimo-misaki (Erimo Cape), Japan

latitude: 41.924442     41 55 28 N
longitude: 143.248337     143 14 54 E

Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)
Site Named Here: By name of site (or city, etc.)

Collected here:

Invenusta paracnidaJul 15, 1975Das Kap Erimo. Ein Exemplare.
Invenusta paracnidaAug 2, 1977Das Kap Erimo. Ein Exemplare.
Vannuccia tripapillosaAug 2, 1977Das Kap Erimo. Mehrere Exemplare wurden aus Kieselsand dort gesammelt.
Ezoplana oxygonaJul 15, 1975Das Kap Erimo, Bezirk Hidaka, Südhokkaido. Die Küste bestand aus Muschelsand. Im unteren Sandhang wurden mehrere Exemplare beobachtet.
Polycelis auriculata1974 or earlierSouth and Central Hokkaido (seaboard and the Lake Onuma districts in the Oshima Peninusula, northeastern part of the Lake Shikotsu-ko district, the Erimo Cape, the Hidaka Mountains, the Mts. Daisetsu district and the southern part Kitami Mts.)
Polycelis sapporo1974 or earlierSouth and Central Hokkaido (seaboard and the Lake Onuma districts in the Oshima Peninusula, northeastern part of the Lake Shikotsu-ko district, the Erimo Cape, the Hidaka Mountains, the Mts. Daisetsu district and the southern part Kitami Mts.)
Phagocata vivida1974 or earlierSouth and Central Hokkaido (seaboard and the Lake Onuma districts in the Oshima Peninusula, northeastern part of the Lake Shikotsu-ko district, the Erimo Cape, the Hidaka Mountains, the Mts. Daisetsu district and the southern part Kitami Mts.)
Dugesia japonica1974 or earlierSouth and Central Hokkaido (seaboard and the Lake Onuma districts in the Oshima Peninusula, northeastern part of the Lake Shikotsu-ko district, the Erimo Cape, the Hidaka Mountains, the Mts. Daisetsu district and the southern part Kitami Mts.)