Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Collecting site

New Grounds, Plymouth Sound, United Kingdom

latitude: 50.341667     50 20.5 00 N
longitude: -4.158333     004 09.5 00 W

Precision of location: Gauged from chart or map
Site Named Here: By name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication

Collected here:

Provortex rubrobacillusAug-Sep 1892New Grounds, north of the west entrance to the [Plymouth] Sound.
Macrorhynchus croceusAug-Sep 1892New Grounds, north of the west entrance to the [Plymouth] Sound. Dredged on one occasion on the "New Grounds".
Macrorhynchus helgolandicusAug-Sep 1892New Grounds, north of the west entrance to the [Plymouth] Sound. Probably a search instituted earlier in the year would reveal more localities for these two species. Only a few adults were found, usually each with a single egg-capsule.
Promesostoma soleaAug-Sep 1892New Grounds, north of the west entrance to the [Plymouth] Sound.
Macrorhynchus naegeliiAug-Sep 1892New Grounds, north of the west entrance to the [Plymouth] Sound.
Leptoplana tremellarisAug-Sep 1892New Grounds, north of the west entrance to the [Plymouth] Sound.
Plagiostomum vittatumAug-Sep 1892New Grounds, north of the west entrance to the [Plymouth] Sound.
Vorticeros luteumAug-Sep 1892New Grounds, north of the west entrance to the [Plymouth] Sound. A single specimen dredged off the New Grounds.
Cylindrostoma inermeAug-Sep 1892New Grounds, north of the west entrance to the [Plymouth] Sound.