Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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Hovering the cursor over a marker will show the site's name.
Clicking on a marker will show information available about the collection site. (Compare with corresponding letter in table.)

Scroll through list of sites as necessary.
site collection date species locality kind comments reference
A Woods Hole,Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA1900 or earlier Phagocata woodworthi     Wilhelmi J (1908) 392; from Kenk R 1970 (citation)- p 13
B Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA1908 or earlier Phagocata woodworthi     Wilhelmi J (1908) 392; from Kenk R 1970 (citation)- p 13
C Falmouth, Massachusetts, USA1909 or earlier Phagocata woodworthi     Wilhelmi J (1909) 6; from Kenk R 1970 (citation)- p 13
D Lofoten Islands, Nordland Fylke, Norway1909 or earlier Uteriporus vulgaris   Hindö Wilhelmi J (1909) 373; from Steinbock (citation)- p. 332
E Gulf of Naples (Bay of Naples, Neapel, Napoli), Italy1909 or earlier Cerbussowia cerruti default type   Wilhelmi J (1909) abstract