Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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site collection date depth substrate salin locality kind comments reference
A Pacific Grove, California, USAAug, 1936         collected by Hyman on kelp rhizoids. Hyman LH (1953) 319
B Monterey Bay, Monterey, California, USA1912 or earlier       type locality small flatworm, numerous individuals taken at a point a few miles south of the entrance to Monterey Bay, Heath H, McGregor EA (1913) 467
C Monterey Bay, Monterey, California, USA1912 or earlier       type locality small flatworm, numerous individuals taken at a point a few miles south of the entrance to Monterey Bay, Heath H, McGregor EA (1913) 467
D Monterey Bay, Monterey, California, USAprior to 1912 intertidal     type locality taken on masses of algae in tide pools. Heath H, McGregor EA (1913) ; from Hyman L (citation)- p. 319
E Huntington Beach, California, USADec 18, 1937         collected by the MacGinities on masses of Mytilus. Hyman LH (1953) 319