Overlapping markers can be separated by clicking on them.
Hovering the cursor over a marker will show the site's name.
Clicking on a marker will show information available about the collection site. (Compare with corresponding letter in table.)
Scroll through list of sites as necessary. | site | collection date | depth | substrate | salin | locality kind | comments | reference |
A | Bering Sea (Behring Sea, Kamchatka Sea, Beringovo More) | Aug 1992 | sand | default type | Russland Bering-Meer. | Evdonin LA (1977) from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 505 | ||
B | Deer Island, New Brunswick, Canada | 1987 or earlier | sand, mud | Deer Island. Sand-Mud. | Ax P, Armonies W (1987) from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 505 | |||
C | Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada | 1987 or earlier | medium to coarse sand | Campobello Island. Mittel- und Grobsand der Uferzone. | Ax P, Armonies W (1987) from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 505 | |||
D | Pocologan, New Brunswick, Canada | 1987 or earlier | sand | brackish | Brackwasserbucht Pocologan. Sand. | Ax P, Armonies W (1987) from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 505 | ||
E | south east or Godhavn, Greenland | Aug 1991 | sand, rock | Kleiner Sandstrand in der Felsküste. Ostufer südlich von Godhavn. Durch vorgelagerte Insel geschützt. Felstümpel im Supralitoral. Mit Grünalgen (Salzgehalt 55 o/oo, 31.8.1991). Schwach lenitisch [#4b. Site description page 251]. | Ax P (1995) 274, 291 | |||
F | Leiruvogur (Leirovogur), east of Reykjavik, Iceland | Jul 1993 | 10 ppt | Leiruvogur. Salzwiesengelände. Tümpel mit weichem Detritus, 10 o/oo Salzgehalt. | Ax P (2008) 505 |