Turbellaria --- Distribution records

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site collection date depth substrate salin locality kind comments reference
A Piriápolis, Departamento de Maldonado, UruguayOct 2005         branchial chamber of a specimen of Cherax quadricarinatus Volonterio O (2009)
B Čelákovice (Cellakovice, Čelakowitz, Celakoyice), Czech Republic2021 or earlier         Pet trade Ložek F, Patoka J, Bláha M (2021) abstract
C Mpumalanga, Komati River System, South Africa2021 or earlier         host Cherax quadricarinatus Tavakol S, Blair D, Morgan JAT, Halajian A, Luus-Powell WJ (2021) Abstract and Web of Science
D Western New Guinea (West Papua, Irian Jaya, Netherlands New Guinea), Indonesia1939       default type parasite on Cherax boschmai Holthius, 1949, Cherax communis Holthius, 1949, Cherax pallidus Holthius, 1949, Cherax lorentzi Roux, 1911, and Cherax longipes Holthius, 1949 Baer JG (1953) from Volonterio 2009 (citation)