author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Müller OF | 1776 | spp. |
Zoologiae danicae prodromus, seu Animalium Daniae et Norvegiae indigenarum characteres, nomina, et synonyma imprimis popularium. | Havniae, 282 pp. | 10584 235967 | ||
other taxonomic work: | Jensen OS | 1878 | spp. |
Turbellaria ad litora Norvegiae occidentalia. Turbellarier ved Norges Vestkyst. [In Norwegian] | J W Eided Bogtrykkeri, Bergen, 97 pp | 78 | 6021 | 8130 235645 |
latest authority: | Prudhoe S | 1985 | spp. |
A monograph on polyclad Turbellaria. | British Museum (Natural History), Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 259 p. | 8888 | 9250 235701 |
[Other] literature of valid taxon Eurylepta cornuta (Müller, 1776)
author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | ||
Faubel A | 1984 | The Polycladida, Turbellaria; Proposal and establishment of a new system. Part II. The Cotylea. | Mitt Hamb Zool Mus Inst 81: 189-259 | 2968 | 17550 2053 |
author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | ||
Pennant T | 1777 | British Zoology. | 4rth edition (4): 36 and pages 1-154, tab 24, fig 24. London 1777 | 18121 236024 | |||
Örsted AS | 1845 | Fortegnelse over Dyr, samlede i Christianafjord ved Dobrak fra 21-24 Julie 1844. | Naturh Tidessk, udgivet of H Kroyer 2:400-427 | 8133 235673 | |||
Johnston G | 1865 | A Catalogue of the British non-parasitical worms in the collection of the British Museum. | British Museum, London, 365 pp. [Platyhelm.:] 8: 2-18, Tab 1 | 0 | 18096 50566 | ||
Faubel A | 1984 | The Polycladida, Turbellaria; Proposal and establishment of a new system. Part II. The Cotylea. | Mitt Hamb Zool Mus Inst 81: 189-259 | 2968 | 17550 2053 |
Literature with distribution data:
Keferstein W | 1868 | abs. spp. |
Beitraege zur Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte einiger Seeplanarien von St. Malo. | Abh. Koenigl. Ges. Wiss. Goettingen 14:1-38, I-III | 6099 | 9568 239166 |
Gamble FW | 1893 | spp. |
The Turbellaria of Plymouth Sound and the neighbourhood. | Journ Marine Biol Ass (N S) 3 (1):18, 30-47 [ goto] | 6118 | 10126 236277 |
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