author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Marcus Er | 1947 | spp. |
Turbellarios Marinhos do Brasil (5). | Bolm Fac Fil Cienc SPaulo Zool 12: 99-215, 1-12. | 6052 | 2919 235670 | |
other taxonomic work: | Marcus EvDB-R, Marcus Er | 1968 | spp. |
Polycladida from Curaçao and faunistically related regions. | Studies on the Fauna of Curaçao and other Caribbean Islands, 26: 1-134 | 82-83, Fig. 73 | 6050 | 5072 235862 |
latest authority: | Prudhoe S | 1985 | spp. |
A monograph on polyclad Turbellaria. | British Museum (Natural History), Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 259 p. | 8888 | 9250 235701 |
Literature with distribution data:
Marcus Er | 1947 | spp. |
Turbellarios Marinhos do Brasil (5). | Bolm Fac Fil Cienc SPaulo Zool 12: 99-215, 1-12. | 6052 | 2919 235670 |
Hyman LH | 1952 | abs. spp. |
Further notes of the turbellarian fauna of the Atlantic Coast of the United States. | Biol Bull 103: 195-200 | 6152 | 6848 239413 |
Marcus EvDB-R, Marcus Er | 1968 | spp. |
Polycladida from Curaçao and faunistically related regions. | Studies on the Fauna of Curaçao and other Caribbean Islands, 26: 1-134 | 6050 | 5072 235862 |
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