Turbellarian taxonomic database


[Return to listing: Convoluta bifoveolata Mamkaev, 1971]

Convoluta bifoveolata Mamkaev, 1971

authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Primary authority:
Mamkaev YuV1971  
On the Convoluta (Turbellaria, Acoela) from the South Primorsk. Fauna and Flora of the Possjet Bay of the Sea of Japan. Acad. Sci. USSR Zool Inst., St. Petersburg.Explorations of the Fauna of the Seas 8(10/6): 31-54455611364

Symsagittifera bifoveolata

[Other] literature of valid taxon Symsagittifera bifoveolata (Mamkaev, 1971)

authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Kostenko AG, Mamkaev YuV1990 abs. The position of "green convoluts" in the system of acoel turbellarians (Turbellaria, Acoela). 1. Simsagittifera gen. n. 2. Sagittiferidae fam. n.Zool Zh 69(6):11-21 ; 69(7):5-16455511400

[Other] literature of synonyms (Convoluta bifoveolata )
None (i.e., none other than those listed above).

Literature with distribution data:

Mamkaev YuV1971  
On the Convoluta (Turbellaria, Acoela) from the South Primorsk. Fauna and Flora of the Possjet Bay of the Sea of Japan. Acad. Sci. USSR Zool Inst., St. Petersburg.Explorations of the Fauna of the Seas 8(10/6): 31-54455611364

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