author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Rieger RM | 1974 | spp. |
A new group of Turbellaria-Typhloplanoida with a proboscis and its relationship to Kalyptorhynchia. In: N.W. Riser and M.P. Morse (eds.), The Biology of the Turbellaria. | McGraw-Hill, NY, pp 23-62 | 217 | 2680 236648 | |
latest authority: | Boyko CB | 1996 | spp. |
Catalog of recent type specimens in the Department of Invertebrates, American Museum of Natural History. 3. "Parasitica" (phyla Platyhelminthes, Rhombozoa, and Pentastomida) and Gastrotricha (sup... | American Museum Novitates 3174:1-59 | 0 | 16195 237296 |
Literature setting new combination:
Boyko CB | 1996 | spp. |
Catalog of recent type specimens in the Department of Invertebrates, American Museum of Natural History. 3. "Parasitica" (phyla Platyhelminthes, Rhombozoa, and Pentastomida) and Gastrotricha (sup... | American Museum Novitates 3174:1-59 | 0 | 16195 237296 |
Literature with distribution data:
Rieger RM | 1974 | spp. |
A new group of Turbellaria-Typhloplanoida with a proboscis and its relationship to Kalyptorhynchia. In: N.W. Riser and M.P. Morse (eds.), The Biology of the Turbellaria. | McGraw-Hill, NY, pp 23-62 | 217 | 2680 236648 |
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