author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Hutton FW | 1879-1880 | abs. spp. |
Additions to the List of New Zealand Worms. | Trans. and Proceed. New Zealand Institute 1879. Vol. 12: 277-278. Wellington 1880. | 18492 237071 | ||
latest authority: | Beklemischev VN | 1937 | spp. |
Turbellaria. In: Zenkevich LA (ed), Handbook of Zoology, Vol. 1 [In Russian] | Biomedgiz, Moscow & Leningrad, pp 386-456 | 17621 235609 |
author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | ||
Ogren RE, Kawakatsu M | 1988 | Index to the species of the family Rhynchodemidae (Turbellaria, Tricladida, Terricola) Part I: Rhynchodeminae | Bull Fuji Women's College 26:39-91 | 4397 | 9455 237240 | ||
Jones HD, Gerard BM | 1999 | abs. | A new genus and species of terrestrial planarian (Platyhelminthes; Tricladida; Terricola) from Scotland and emendation of the genus Artioposthia. | J Nat Hist 33: 387-394 [doi: 10.1080/002229399300308 goto] | 9000 | 17261 239028 |
Literature setting new combination:
Ogren RE, Kawakatsu M, Froehlich EM | 1999 | spp. |
Additions and corrections of the previous land planarian indices of the world (Turbellaria, Seriata, Tricladida, Terricola) - Addendum V. The taxonomic change of land planarians reported in recent publications (1998-1999) | Bull Fuji Women Coll 37 II: 93-103 | 7021 | 17166 239029 |
Jones HD, Gerard BM | 1999 | abs. spp. |
A new genus and species of terrestrial planarian (Platyhelminthes; Tricladida; Terricola) from Scotland and emendation of the genus Artioposthia. | J Nat Hist 33: 387-394 [doi: 10.1080/002229399300308 goto] | 9000 | 17261 239028 |
Literature with distribution data:
Steel T | 1900 | abs. spp. |
Tasmanian Land Planaria. Descriptions of New Species, etc. | Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales 1900. Part 4. Sydney 1901. 25: 618-631, tab 41. | 18883 237252 | |
Winsor L | 1976 | spp. |
Platyhelminthes (Flat-worms). In: Smith, B.T., Malcom, H.E. & P.B. Morrison (eds.), "Dartimous Dam Environment Study Report on the | Survey of the Invertebrate Fauna of the Mitta Mitta Valley", pp. 15, 59, 61. National Museum of Victoria | 21381 239304 |
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