Turbellarian taxonomic database


[Return to listing: Amphiscolops marinelliensis Beltagi & Khafagi, 1984]

Amphiscolops marinelliensis Beltagi & Khafagi, 1984

authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Primary authority:
Beltagi S, Khafagi AK1984  
Amphiscolops marinelliensis nov. sp., a new species of acoelan Turbellaria from the Red Sea north of Jeddah. In: Saad MAH (ed), Proceedings of the Symposium on Coral Reef Environment of the Red Sea, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, January 14-18, 1984.King Abdulazis Univ. Press, Jeddah, pp 491-517573117620

Literature with distribution data:

Beltagi S, Khafagi AK1984  
Amphiscolops marinelliensis nov. sp., a new species of acoelan Turbellaria from the Red Sea north of Jeddah. In: Saad MAH (ed), Proceedings of the Symposium on Coral Reef Environment of the Red Sea, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, January 14-18, 1984.King Abdulazis Univ. Press, Jeddah, pp 491-517573117620

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