author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Omi N | 2020 | abs. spp. |
A novel Enterostomula (Platyhelminthes, Prolecithophora) species from two brackish lakes in Japan | Biodiversity Data Journal 8:e47161 [doi: 10.3897/BDJ.8.e47161 goto] | 9000 | 22845 404152 |
[Other] literature of valid taxon Allostoma densissimabursa (Omi, 2020)
None (i.e., none other than those listed above).Literature setting new combination:
Westblad E | 1955 | spp. |
Marine "Alloeocoels" (Turbellaria) from North Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. I. | Ark Zool 7: 491-526 | 6341 | 7072 236190 |
Literature with distribution data:
Omi N | 2020 | abs. spp. |
A novel Enterostomula (Platyhelminthes, Prolecithophora) species from two brackish lakes in Japan | Biodiversity Data Journal 8:e47161 [doi: 10.3897/BDJ.8.e47161 goto] | 9000 | 22845 404152 |
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