author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Beklemischev VN | 1915 | spp. |
Sur les turbellariés parasites de la cote Mourmanne. I. Acoela. [In Russian, French summary] [On parasitic turbellarians of the Mourmansk coast. I. Acoela. II. Rhabdocoela] | Trav Soc Imp Naturalistee Petrograd 43:103-172 | 105-119 | 2297 | 2758 235640 |
other taxonomic work: | Steinböck O | 1932 | spp. |
Die Turbellarien des arktischen Gebietes. In: Römer & Schaudinn | Fauna Arctica. Jena, 6:295-342 | 6012 | 10861 235620 | |
other taxonomic work: | Westblad E | 1946 | spp. |
Studien ueber skandinavische Turbellaria Acoela. IV. | Ark Zool 38A(1):1-56 | 32 | 6369 | 6991 235625 |
latest authority: | Dorjes J | 1968 | spp. |
Die Acoela (Turbellaria) der deutschen Nordseeküste und ein neues System der Ordnung. | Z zool Syst Evolutionsforsch 6:56-452. | 77 | 728 | 1605 1966 |
Literature with distribution data:
Beklemischev VN | 1915 | spp. |
Sur les turbellariés parasites de la cote Mourmanne. I. Acoela. [In Russian, French summary] [On parasitic turbellarians of the Mourmansk coast. I. Acoela. II. Rhabdocoela] | Trav Soc Imp Naturalistee Petrograd 43:103-172 | 2297 | 2758 235640 |
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