author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Levinsen GMR | 1879 | spp. |
Bidrag til Kundskab om Grönlands Turbellariefauna. | Vidensk Meddr Dansk Naturhist Foren 1879-1880, volume 31:165-204. | 9000 | 1411 235619 | |
latest authority: | Hyman LH | 1955 | abs. spp. |
Miscellaneous marine and terrestrial Flatworms from South America. | Amer Mus Novitates (1742):1-33 | 6156 | 10308 235879 |
[Other] literature of valid taxon Childia groenlandica (Levinsen, 1879)
author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | ||
Sabussow H | 1897 | Volaeufiger Bericht ueber die Turbellarien der Insel von Solowetzk. [In Russian] | Beilage No. 167 zu den Prot. Naturf.-Ges. kais. Univ. Kazan. Kazan 1897. 15 pages (Russisch). | 14 | 10764 235661 | ||
Vanhoffen E | 1897 | Die Fauna und Flora Grönlands. In: Grönland-Expedition der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin 1891-1893. | Groenland Exped Geselsch Erdk Berlin 1891-1893 | 225 | 18143 239405 | ||
Graff Lvon | 1905 | Turbellaria I. Acoela. In: Das Tierreich. No. 23 [Issue 23]. F.E. Schulze, ed. Koenigl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. | Das Tierreich, No. 23:34 + viii pp. | 25 | 6612 | 1554 235629 | |
Graff Lvon | 1910 | Vergleichung der nordamerikanischen und europäischen Turbellarienfauna. In: Proc. Seventh Int. Zool. Congress, Boston, 19-24 August 1907 | The University Press, Cambridge MA, pp 944-948 | 21-24, textf. 1, t. 2 f. 5-12 | 3972 | 5581 235618 | |
Luther A | 1912 | Studien über acoele Turbellarien aus dem Finnischen Meerbusen. | Acta Soc Pro Fauna Et Flora Fennica 36(5):2-62 | 4-14, text f. 1-3, 10 c, t. 2 f. 19-24 | 6637 | 1123 235607 | |
Meixner J | 1925 | Beitrag zur Morphologie und zum System der Turbellaria-Rhabdocoela: I. Die Kalyptorhynchia. | Z Morph Oekol Tiere 3:255-343 | 333 | 6642 | 5594 236351 | |
Wesenberg-Lund E | 1925 | Turbellarien og Nemertiner. In: Conspectes faunae groenlandicae. | Merdd. om Groenland 23 Suppl. Kopenhagen, page 38-77 | 41 | 20023 | ||
Steinböck O | 1931 | Marine Turbellaria. In: Jensen S, Lundbeck W, Mortensen Th (eds): Zoology of the Faroes. | Zool of the Faroes, Copenhagen, 8: 26 pp, 16 fig | 2-3, 22 | 6277 | 10858 235604 | |
Steinböck O | 1932 | Die Turbellarien des arktischen Gebietes. In: Römer & Schaudinn | Fauna Arctica. Jena, 6:295-342 | 298 | 6012 | 10861 235620 | |
Steinböck O | 1933 | Die Turbellarienfauna der Umgebung von Rovingno. | Thalassia 1: 32 pp, 14 fig | 4-5 | 6280 | 10862 235676 | |
Westblad E | 1945 | Studien ueber skandinavische Turbellaria Acoela. III. | Ark Zool 36A(5):1-56 | 31-37 | 6343 | 6990 235605 | |
Hyman LH | 1959 | abs. |
Some Turbellaria from the coast of California. | Am Mus Novit 1943:1-17 | 2-5, Figs 1-7 | 6158 | 4142 235998 |
Luther A | 1960 | Die Turbellarien Ostfennoskandiens I. Acoela, Catenulida, Macrostomida, Lecithoepitheliata, Prolecithophora, und Proseriata. | Fauna Fennica 7:1-155 | 12-14, Fig. 1A-B | 715 | 1841 236063 | |
Hooge MD | 2001 | abs. | Evolution of body-wall musculature in the Platyhelminthes (Acoelomorpha, Catenulida, Rhabditophora). | J Morphol 249:171-194 | 8888 | 17210 237335 | |
Tekle YI, Raikova OI, Ahmadzadeh A, Jondelius U | 2005 | abs. | Revision of the Childiidae (Acoela), a total evidence approach in reconstructing the phylogeny of acoels with reversed muscle layers. | J Zool System Evol Res 43:72-90 | 7351 | 20304 239393 | |
Hooge MD, Tyler S | 2008 | Acoela (Acoelomorpha) from Bocas del Toro, Panama | Zootaxa 1719: 1-40. | 4 | 9000 | 21860 173053 |
author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | ||
Graff Lvon | 1911 | Acoela, Rhabdocoela und Alloeocoela des Ostens der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. | Z Wiss Zool 99:321-428 [or 1-108] [ goto] | 6613 | 5086 235600 | ||
Luther A | 1912 | Studien über acoele Turbellarien aus dem Finnischen Meerbusen. | Acta Soc Pro Fauna Et Flora Fennica 36(5):2-62 | 6637 | 1123 235607 | ||
Marcus Er | 1950 | Turbellaria Brasileiros (8). | Bol Fac Fil Ci Letr U Sao Paulo Zool 15:5-192,1-24 | 8-10, Figs. 8-9 | 6055 | 2921 235621 | |
Dorjes J, Karling TG | 1975 | Species of Turbellaria Acoela in the Swedish Museum of Natural History, with remarks on their anatomy, taxonomy and distribution. | Zool Scr 4: 175-189 | 411 | 1874 235679 |
Literature with distribution data:
Levinsen GMR | 1879 | spp. |
Bidrag til Kundskab om Grönlands Turbellariefauna. | Vidensk Meddr Dansk Naturhist Foren 1879-1880, volume 31:165-204. | 9000 | 1411 235619 |
Vanhoffen E | 1897 | spp. |
Die Fauna und Flora Grönlands. In: Grönland-Expedition der Gesellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin 1891-1893. | Groenland Exped Geselsch Erdk Berlin 1891-1893 | 18143 239405 | |
Graff Lvon | 1911 | spp. |
Acoela, Rhabdocoela und Alloeocoela des Ostens der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. | Z Wiss Zool 99:321-428 [or 1-108] [ goto] | 6613 | 5086 235600 |
Luther A | 1912 | spp. |
Studien über acoele Turbellarien aus dem Finnischen Meerbusen. | Acta Soc Pro Fauna Et Flora Fennica 36(5):2-62 | 6637 | 1123 235607 |
Steinböck O | 1931 | spp. |
Marine Turbellaria. In: Jensen S, Lundbeck W, Mortensen Th (eds): Zoology of the Faroes. | Zool of the Faroes, Copenhagen, 8: 26 pp, 16 fig | 6277 | 10858 235604 |
Steinböck O | 1932 | spp. |
Die Turbellarien des arktischen Gebietes. In: Römer & Schaudinn | Fauna Arctica. Jena, 6:295-342 | 6012 | 10861 235620 |
Steinböck O | 1938 | spp. |
Marine Turbellaria. (9) | The Zoology of Iceland, Levin & Munksgaard, Copenhagen and Reykjavik, vol. II, 9, 1-26 p., 8 f. | 6281 | 10864 237351 |
Westblad E | 1945 | spp. |
Studien ueber skandinavische Turbellaria Acoela. III. | Ark Zool 36A(5):1-56 | 6343 | 6990 235605 |
Ferguson FF, Jones ER | 1949 | spp. |
A survey of the shore-line fauna of the Norfolk peninsula. | The Amer Midland Naturalist 41(2): 436-446. | 15 | 6660 2072 |
Marcus Er | 1950 | spp. |
Turbellaria Brasileiros (8). | Bol Fac Fil Ci Letr U Sao Paulo Zool 15:5-192,1-24 | 6055 | 2921 235621 |
Westblad E | 1953 | spp. |
Private, briefliche Mitteilung von Herrn Dr. Einar Westblad, Herbst 1953. [Riedl notes the reference in 1956] | private communication. | 20342 239234 | |
Riedl R | 1956 | spp. |
Zur Kenntnis der Turbellarien adriatischer Schlammböden sowie ihre geographische und faunistischen Beziehung. | Thalassia Jugosl 1(1-5):69-184 | 5675 | 2928 235623 |
Hyman LH | 1959 | abs. spp. |
Some Turbellaria from the coast of California. | Am Mus Novit 1943:1-17 | 6158 | 4142 235998 |
Luther A | 1960 | spp. |
Die Turbellarien Ostfennoskandiens I. Acoela, Catenulida, Macrostomida, Lecithoepitheliata, Prolecithophora, und Proseriata. | Fauna Fennica 7:1-155 | 715 | 1841 236063 |
Bush LF | 1964 | spp. |
Phylum Platyhelminthes--class Turbellaria. In: Keys to Marine Intertebrates of the Woods Hole Region. RI Smith ed. | MBL, Woods Hole, pp 30-39 | 6436 | 15589 239391 |
Dorjes J, Karling TG | 1975 | spp. |
Species of Turbellaria Acoela in the Swedish Museum of Natural History, with remarks on their anatomy, taxonomy and distribution. | Zool Scr 4: 175-189 | 411 | 1874 235679 |
Tekle YI, Raikova OI, Ahmadzadeh A, Jondelius U | 2005 | abs. spp. |
Revision of the Childiidae (Acoela), a total evidence approach in reconstructing the phylogeny of acoels with reversed muscle layers. | J Zool System Evol Res 43:72-90 | 7351 | 20304 239393 |
Hooge MD, Tyler S | 2008 | spp. |
Acoela (Acoelomorpha) from Bocas del Toro, Panama | Zootaxa 1719: 1-40. | 9000 | 21860 173053 |
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