author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Plehn M | 1896 | abs. spp. |
Die Polycladen der Plankton-Expedition. Ergebnisse Plankton. | Expedn. d. Humboldt-Stiftung, Bd. 2, H.f. 14 p., 1 t. | 7 | 6020 | 10684 235852 |
latest authority: | Faubel A | 1984 | spp. |
The Polycladida, Turbellaria; Proposal and establishment of a new system. Part II. The Cotylea. | Mitt Hamb Zool Mus Inst 81: 189-259 | 2968 | 17550 2053 |
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