author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Schmidt O | 1848 | spp. |
Die rhabdocoelen Strudelwürmer (Turbellaria Rhabdocoela) des süssen Wassers. | Friedrich Mauke, Jena, 65 p. + 6 plates | 6266 | 10779 236061 | |
latest authority: | Westblad E | 1955 | spp. |
Marine "Alloeocoels" (Turbellaria) from North Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. I. | Ark Zool 7: 491-526 | 6341 | 7072 236190 | |
other taxonomic work: | Karling TG | 1962 | spp. |
Marine Turbellaria from the Pacific coast of North America. II. Pseudostomidae and Cylindrostomidae. | Ark Zool 15: 181-209 | 181-187 | 6136 | 7071 236189 |
author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | ||
Uljanin WN | 1870 | Die Turbellarien der Bucht von Sebastopol. Arbeiten der 2. Versammlung russischer Naturforscher zu Moskau 1869. Tom. 2. Abtheilung für Zoologie, Anatomie und Physiologie. | 96pp + 7pl, Moskau 1870. (Russisch). [Syezda Russ. Est., Syezda 2, vol. 2][Trudy otd. zool. anat. physiol. Moscow 2.] | 9000 | 8137 235598 | ||
Graff Lvon | 1882 | Monographie der Turbellarien I. Rhabdocoelida. (2 Vol., Leipzig) | Verlag Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig, pp i-xii + 1-442 [ goto] | 3016 | 1234 2105 |
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