author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Pike AW, Burt MDB | 1981 | spp. |
Paravortex karlingi sp. nov. from Cerastoderma edule L., in Britain. | Hydrobiologia 84:23-30. | 2846 | 1078 236430 | |
Griesbach N, Ehlers U | 2004 | spp. |
The ultrastructure of the eyes of Paravortex karlingi (Plathelminthes, Rhabdocoela) | Zoomorphology 123:199-202 | 8888 | 20259 |
Literature with distribution data:
Pike AW, Burt MDB | 1981 | spp. |
Paravortex karlingi sp. nov. from Cerastoderma edule L., in Britain. | Hydrobiologia 84:23-30. | 2846 | 1078 236430 |
Noury-Srairi N, Justine J-L, Euzet L | 1989 | spp. |
Ultrastructure du tégument de trois espèces de Paravortex (Rhabdocoela, "Dalyellioida", Graffillidae), turbellariés parasites intestinaux de mollusques. | Ann Sci nat (Zool Biol Anim) 10(3): 155-170. | 4531 | 11592 237509 |
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