author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Luther A | 1962 | spp. |
Die Turbellarien Ostfennoskandiens III. Neorhabdocoela 1. Dalyellioida, Typhloplanoida: Byrsophlebidae und Trigonostomidae. | Fauna Fennica 12:1-71 | 32-35, fig 12-13; Karling as Kalyla semicirculifa | 706 | 2675 236415 |
Faubel A, Warwick RM | 2005 | abs. spp. |
The marine flora and fauna of the Isles of Scilly: Free-living Plathelminthes ('Turbellaria') | J Nat Hist 39:1-45 [doi: 10.1080/00222930310001613593 goto] | 37 | 7353 | 20305 237429 | |
latest authority: | Ax P | 2008 | spp. |
Plathelminthes aus Brackgewässern der Nordhalbkugel. | Akademie der Wissenschaft und der Literatur Mainz, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 696 pp. | 614-615 | 8888 | 21269 172479 |
Literature setting new combination:
Luther A | 1962 | spp. |
Die Turbellarien Ostfennoskandiens III. Neorhabdocoela 1. Dalyellioida, Typhloplanoida: Byrsophlebidae und Trigonostomidae. | Fauna Fennica 12:1-71 | 706 | 2675 236415 |
Literature with distribution data:
Luther A | 1962 | spp. |
Die Turbellarien Ostfennoskandiens III. Neorhabdocoela 1. Dalyellioida, Typhloplanoida: Byrsophlebidae und Trigonostomidae. | Fauna Fennica 12:1-71 | 706 | 2675 236415 |
Straarup BJ | 1970 | spp. |
On the ecology of turbellarians in a sheltered brackish shallow-water bay. | Ophelia 7:185-216 | 655 | 1855 2715 |
Schmidt P | 1972 | spp. |
Zonierung und jahreszeitliche Fluktuationen des Mesopsammons im Sandstrand von Schilksee (Kieler Bucht). | Mikrofauna Meeresbodens 10:1-60 | 3867 | 8185 63442 |
Ehlers U | 1973 | spp. |
Zur Populationsstruktur interstitieller Typhloplanoida und Dalyellioida (Turbellaria, Neorhabdocoela). Untersuchungen an einem mittellotischen Sandstrand der Nordseeinsel Sylt. | Mikrofauna des Meeresbodens 19:457-559 | 690 | 2644 239319 |
Karling TG | 1974 | spp. |
Turbellarian fauna of the Baltic proper. Identification, ecology and biogeography. | Fauna Fenn 27:1-101 | 308 | 1824 2223 |
Scherer B | 1985 | spp. |
Annual dynamics of a meiofauna community from the "sulfide layer" of a North Sea sand flat. | Microfauna Marina 2:117-162 | 0 | 11087 239089 |
Armonies W | 1987 | spp. |
Freilebende Plathelminthes in supralitoralen Salzwiesen der Nordsee: Oekologie einer borealen Brackwasser-Lebensgemeinschaft. | Microfauna mar 3:81-156 | 6034 | 9226 1696 |
Hellwig M | 1987 | spp. |
Oekologie freilebender Plathelminthen in Grenzraum Watt-Salzwiese lenitischer Gezeitenkuesten. | Microfauna Marina 3:157-244 | 6035 | 11094 2119 |
Faubel A, Warwick RM | 2005 | abs. spp. |
The marine flora and fauna of the Isles of Scilly: Free-living Plathelminthes ('Turbellaria') | J Nat Hist 39:1-45 [doi: 10.1080/00222930310001613593 goto] | 7353 | 20305 237429 |
Ax P | 2008 | spp. |
Plathelminthes aus Brackgewässern der Nordhalbkugel. | Akademie der Wissenschaft und der Literatur Mainz, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 696 pp. | 8888 | 21269 172479 |
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