author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Christensen AM, Kanneworff B | 1964 | spp. |
Kronborgia amphipodicola gen. et sp. nov., a dioecious turbellarian parasitizing ampeliscid amphipods. | Ophelia 1:147-166. | 3095 | 1708 236553 | |
latest authority: | Christensen AM | 1981 | spp. |
Fecampia abyssicola n sp. (Turbellaria: Rhabdocoela) and five cocoon types of undescribed species of Fecampiidae from the deep sea. | Galathea Rep 15: 69-77 + 8 pl | 0 | 8264 236548 |
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