author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Kulinitch LYu | 1973 | spp. |
A new species of the genus Acmostomum (Turbellaria, Prolecithophora) from the Kuril Islands. | Nauchniye Dokl. Oyssh. Shk. Biol. Nauki 1973(7): 16-22, 3 figs (In Russian) | 16 | 19756 236575 |
Literature with distribution data:
Kulinitch LYu | 1973 | spp. |
A new species of the genus Acmostomum (Turbellaria, Prolecithophora) from the Kuril Islands. | Nauchniye Dokl. Oyssh. Shk. Biol. Nauki 1973(7): 16-22, 3 figs (In Russian) | 19756 236575 |
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