author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Jensen OS | 1878 | ![]() spp. |
Turbellaria ad litora Norvegiae occidentalia. Turbellarier ved Norges Vestkyst. [In Norwegian] | J W Eided Bogtrykkeri, Bergen, 97 pp | 33-34 | 6021 | 8130 235645 |
other taxonomic work: | Karling TG | 1985 | ![]() abs. spp. |
Revision of Byrsophlebidae (Turbellaria Typhloplanoida). | Ann Zool Fennici 22:105-116. | 3206 | 2140 236582 | |
latest authority: | Diez YL, Monnens M, Wuyts A, Brendonck L, Reygel P, Schmidt-Rhaesa A, Artois T | 2023 | spp. |
Taxonomy and phylogeny of Dalytyphloplanida Willems et al., 2006 (Platyhelminthes: Rhabdocoela), with the description of a new family, a new genus, and sixteen new species from Cuba and Panama | Organisms Diversity & Evolution : [doi: 10.1007/s13127-023-00623-w goto] | 42 | 9000 | 23946 |
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