author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Wahl B | 1910 | spp. |
Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Dalyelliiden und Umagilliden. | Book | 5123 236438 | ||
latest authority: | Hyman LH | 1955 | spp. |
A further study of the polyclad flatworms of the West Indian region. | Bull Mar Sci Gulf Caribb 5:259-268 | 6621 | 1661 236020 | |
other taxonomic work: | Rixen J-U | 1961 | abs. spp. |
Kleinturbellarien aus dem Litoral der Binnengewässer Schleswig-Holsteins. | Arch Hydrobiol 57:464-538 | 500 | 6065 | 5602 236095 |
other taxonomic work: | Houben AM, Van Steenkiste N, Artois TJ | 2014 | abs. spp. |
Revision of Phaenocora Ehrenberg, 1836 (Rhabditophora, Typhloplanidae, Phaenocorinae) with the description of two new species | Zootaxa 3889 (3): 301-354 | 9000 | 22474 222252 |
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