author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Nasonov NV | 1923 | spp. |
[Sur la distribution geographique des Turbellaria rhabdocoelida dabe la Russie d' Europe.] [In Russian] | C.R.Acad.Sc. Russie, p 2-3. | 0 | 10593 236478 | |
latest authority: | Ruebush TK | 1938 | spp. |
Krumbachia minuta n. sp. (Turbellaria Rhabdocoela). | Zool Anz 122:260-265 | 9000 | 4130 236588 |
Literature with distribution data:
Nasonov NV | 1926 | abs. spp. |
Die Turbellarienfauna des Leningrader Gouvernements. [The Turbellaria of the Leningrad Province] | Bull.Acad.Sc.URSS p. 817-884, t II. | 10602 235697 |
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