author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Kenk R | 1930 | ![]() spp. |
Beiträge zum System der Probursalier (Tricladida Paludicola). I-III; 3. Versuch einer natürlichen Gruppierung der Probursalier. | Zool Anz (Jena) 89: 145-162; 289-302 | 6079 | 10392 237718 | |
latest authority: | Kenk R | 1974 | ![]() abs. spp. |
Index to the genera and species of the freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of the world. | Smithson Contrib Zool 183: 1-90 | 616 | 2727 338866 |
[Other] literature of valid taxon Girardia anceps (Kenk, 1930)
author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | ||
Ball IR | 1974 | A new genus of freshwater triclad from Tasmania, with reviews of the related genera Cura and Neppia (Turbellaria: Tricladida). | Life Sci Contr R Ont Mus 99:1-48 | 540 | 2812 236703 | ||
Sluys R, Kawakatsu M, & Ponce de León R | 2005 | abs. | Morphological stasis in an old and widespread group of species: Contribution to the taxonomy and biogeography of the genus Girardia (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Paludicola) | Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment, 40(2):155-180 | 156-157; figs 1-3 | 7388 | 20508 237477 |
author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | ||
Blainville D de | 1826-1830 | ![]() abs. |
Dictionnaire des Sciences naturelles. Art. Planaire in Tom. 41. Paris 1826. p. 204-218. Art. Vers in Tom. 57. Paris 1828. p 530, 577-579. Planches, 2 partie: Règne organisé, Zoologie, Vers et Zoophytes. Paris 1816 to 1830. tab 40. | 18266 235933 | |||
Borelli A | 1895 | Plana d'acqua dolce. | Boll Mus Zool Anatom comp Torino 10 (202): 6 pp | 4550 | 11610 236037 | ||
Bohmig L | 1902 | Turbellarien: Rhabdocoeliden und Tricladiden. | Hamburg Magalhaensische Sammelreise Hamburg 3: 1-30 [Reprint only of pages with descr. of Planaria dubia Borelli] | 15--17 | 4550 | 9934 236258 |
Literature setting new combination:
Sluys R | 1996 | spp. |
Reconsiderations of the species status of some South American planarians (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Paludicola). | Proc Biol Soc Washington 109: 229-235 | 0 | 15858 239027 |
Literature with distribution data:
Borelli A | 1895 | spp. |
Plana d'acqua dolce. | Boll Mus Zool Anatom comp Torino 10 (202): 6 pp | 4550 | 11610 236037 |
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