Definition: Faubel A, Dorjes J 1978 (citation) Type: Flagellophora apelti Faubel and Dorjes 1978 History and synonyms: Sterrer W 1966 (citation)- unnamed species [may be Flagellophora?] from Adriatic. Bush L notes that Species II looks like Flagellophora. Faubel A, Dorjes J 1978 (citation)- description of new Genus with illustration of one species, Flagellophora apelti- definition p 9. From North Sea off Scotland and northwest of Island of Helgoland. Geographic distribution: North Sea off Scotland and Helgoland, Adriatic, coarse sand and shell gravel. Other: Smith JPS 1981 (citation)- mention epithelial digestive area p 264. Faubel A 1983 (citation)- a ciliated male tract in p 27. Smith JPS, Tyler S 1984 (citation)- on frontal organ and 'broom organ' abstract.
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