Hooge MD, Haye P, Tyler S, Litvaitis MK, Kornfield I 2002 (citation)- Phylogenetic relationships using 18S rDNA, and morphological characters of sperm and body-wall musculature.
Berney C, Pawlowski J, Zaninetti L 2000 (citation)- "Elongation factor 1-alpha sequences do not support an early divergence of the Acoela". Following species used: Convoluta roscoffensis, Crenobia alpina, Girardia tigrina, Leptoplana tremellaris, Prostheceraeus vittatus, Schmidtea polychroa.
Ruiz-Trillo I, Paps J, Loukota M, Ribera C, Jondelius U, Baguna J, Riutort M 2002 (citation)- Phylogenetic analysis; rDNA analysis; Bilateria taxonomic framework.
Salo E, Tauler J, Jimenez E, Bayascas JR, Gonzalez-Linares J, Garcia-Fernandez J, Baguna J 2001 (citation)- "Hox and ParaHox genes in flatworms: Characterization and expression."
Douglas AE 1992 (citation)- "Algal symbioses in acoel Turbellaria: factors determining the identity of the algal symbionts." Species of turbellaria include: Convoluta convoluta, Symsagittifera roscoffensis, Amphiscolops sp.
Notes from synonyms
Notes for Convoluta roscoffensis
Graff L v 1891 (citation)- compares with schultzei and concludes they are not same, also longitudinal section on "chlorophylgellen" in Wagner F v 1891 (citation)- in his review of Graff 1891 lists as new species [??], p 655, green color 656, 657, 664, on chlorophyl in 664-666. Haberlandt 1891 (citation)- on chlorophyl cells in. Bohmig L 1895 (citation)- mentions p 7, 11, 15, 20, 21, 41(=schultzei[?]) and lists p 44. Graff L v 1904 (citation)- discussion of. Gamble FW, Keeble F 1904 (citation)- bionomica of this species, on relation of green cells to host [good]. Bohmig L 1906 (citation)- mentions p 435. Salensky W 1907 (citation)- mentions p 836. Bohmig L 1908 (citation)- mentions p 6,8. Lohner L, Micoletzky H 1911 (citation)- Zoochlorellae but no rhabdites in p 388. also parenchyma p 390, frontal gland p 366-68, brain 392. Keeble F 1910 (citation)- Dowsdell p 76, Green algae like Chlamydomonas = Carteris sp?- is free living also encrusts eggs of Convoluta and is later if young larva multiply inside of larvae and young animal uninfected worms in sterile water die. Convoluta as larva and young feeds holozoitically. Convoluta when old digests - envetually uses all of them and then dies of starvation. Bresslau E 1912 (citation)- nervous system diagram- illustration fig 18, p 963. Wilhelmi J 1913 (citation)- diagram of nervous system p 67, also p 24, 36, 50, 103, 113. Beauchamp P de 1927 (citation)- mentions he did not find at Archachon. Beauchamp P de 1927 (citation)- mentions he did not find at Archachon. Handstroem B 1928 (citation)- p 91 illustration, nervous system of. Bresslau E 1933 (citation)- p 76, fig 55- nervous system, 6 long strands and irregular connections. length about 1 mm- green with zoochlorellae. French and English channel coasts in sand often coloring it green. p 153 fig 142- egg capsule. p 161 fig 153 - details of embryonic developed cell lineage p 162 fig 154 - details of embryonic developed cell lineage p 163 fig 155 - details of embryonic developed cell lineage p 184 fig 181 - experiment on tropic behavior p 191 fig 187 - experiment on phototrophic behavior. Korschelt E, Heider K 1936 (citation)- 1895 work. Illustration of embryo of p 232 after Bresslau and Surface. Welsh M 1936 (citation)- mentions symbionts in. Costello HM, Costello DP 1939 (citation)- notes this species as well as their Polychoerus carmelensis lays eggs by rupture of body wall. Westblad E 1948 (citation)- gland cells in p 12. p 25 longitudinal nerves in. Marcus E 1945 (citation)-refers to positive phototaxis in p 27. Kato K 1951 (citation)- mentions. Hyman LH 1951 (citation) -vol 2, p 175 notes study of embryology of this species- general discussion of acoel embryology. p 193- much work done on chlorellae in this species- are chlamydomonads that occur abundantly in this habitat and on the eggs of this species. p 215- on tidal rhythm of- comes to surface at low tide. Marcus EDB-R 1955 (citation)- mentions p 24. Marcus EDB-R 1957 (citation)- in comparison p 169 and 170. Hadzi J 1963 (citation)- p 212- comment on embryology of. Oschman JL, Gray P 1965 (citation)- electron microscopy study of- algae- no eye spot or flagella but basal body in some- suggests that the algae are phagocytized by deeper cells. Dorey A 1965 (citation)- Electron microscopy study of epidermis and its replacement. nuclei ensunk. Steinbock O 1966 (citation)- mentions p 60, 100, 132. Steinbock O 1967 (citation)- mentions p 405, 406. Oschman JL 1967 (citation)- microtubules in subepidermal of gland cells that protrude on the surface- are these cells to secrete adhesive material. Boaden PJS 1968 (citation)- on rhythmic behavior with the tide. Provasoli L, Yamasu T, Manton I 1968 (citation)- experiments on resynthesis by feeding different flagellate cultures. Antonius A 1968 (citation)- lists this species and p 371 says a dermal type penis with cilia. Dorjes J 1968 (citation)- says species incertae sedis. Kato 1968 (citation)- development of simple eggs in, illustration p 139 after Bresslau 1909. Provasoli L, Yamasu T, Manton I 1968 (citation)- on symbionts of. Apelt G 1969 (citation)- notes symbiosis here is further developed than in Convoluta convoluta. Apelt G 1969 (citation)- p 268- on egg laying in. Beklemischev VN 1969 (citation)- Volume 2, notes symbiotic algae in - laso its habit of squeezing between soil particles - 266. Also illustrations of mature, embryo, and longitudinal neerves in. Tyler S 1973 (citation)- notes adhesive glands used for adhension p 149. Hendelberg J 1974 (citation)- ciliary rootlets in comparison with work on Childea graenlandica. Henley C 1974 (citation)- p 272 notes work on reproduction by Wager HA 1913 (citation) was later shown to be Convoluta macnei see Marcus 1957 (citation). p 335 notes Dorey AE 1965 (citation) on regeneration in. Riser NW 1974 (citation)- p 520 reports work by Parke M, Manton I 1967 (citation) symbionts. Kinne O 1977 (citation)- on raising in culture by Dorey AE 1965 (citation). Hanson ED 1977 (citation)- in phylogeny- see p 500, 496, 511, fig 3-10, 13-3a, b etc. Marcus EDB-R 1977 (citation)- in phylogeny- see p 500, 496, 511, figures 3-10, 13-3, etc. Ehlers U 1980 (citation)- p 164 occurs at Roscoff. Gooday 1980 (citation)- effects of oil spill on - after 4 months- colonies small but... Lauckner 1980 (citation)- reports virus in nucleus on this species by Oschman JL 1969 (citation). McFarlane AE 1982 (citation)- on symbionts of. Yamasu T 1982 (citation)- compares his species- both are sand dwellers. Chandler AE 1983 (citation)- on recognition of species of algae this acoel- ingested species that persisted and divided- others discriminated against those. Platymonas convolutae and related forms. Also structural electron microscopy studies. Douglas AE 1983 (citation)- symbiosis, and on chemistry of relationship. Douglas AE 1983 (citation)- studies on egg production. Douglas AE 1983 (citation)- symbiosis, and on chemistry of relationship. Douglas AE 1984 (citation)- sediment and size of acoels. Douglas AE 1985 (citation)- on growth and reprodcution with different symbionts. Smith DC, Douglas AE 1987 (citation)- symbiont studies.
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